Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Two-Wheeler Fun

Ana learned to ride her new two-wheeler last week. It only took a few days of Daddy running behind her before she got it. Now she rides as much as she can and the fun part is going for real bike rides with Dad to the duck pond

Zachary is still riding with training wheels but after a nasty fall off the curb on the weekend Sam is trying to talk him into taking them off.

Zachary looking on. He was quite excited for her.


  1. Anna! You look like a pro on your bike! I remember the first time I learned to ride, I was WAY older then you! I think its so awesome your out there riding a two wheeler!I'm sure you'll love the freedom... riding your bike with the wind in your hair on your way to the store to get candies and treats!
    Love Heather

  2. shotsie
    Wow Ana, how fun for you and Daddy to be able to ride to the duck pond together. I love to see how much you are growing. I bet Zack will be riding without his training wheels in no time.

    Love Grandma Cheryl
