Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yeah, it's 2012!

I have to say - I'm thankful 2011 is over. It was a pretty hard year for us and for many others in our family. I'm glad the back cover of 2011 is face up on my desk and the book for 2012 has been cracked open. The pages are all blank, clear, white, empty. For the most part we get to choose how it's filled up. And at the end of 2012 I hope there are a few themes that run through our book: hope, joy, health, contentment, close relationships with family and friends, along with a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and who we are together. {and I have other theme ideas too like decorating, writing, DIY projects, family trips, and on and on... :-)}

I'm not really one for resolutions (besides the proverbial lose 20lbs) and I don't have any for this year but I do have dreams and ideas and hope. These 3 things were very obviously lacking for me this year. In the thick of chemo treatment I wondered if I would ever have creative ideas or dreams, if I would ever feel passion or drive for anything again. All I wanted to do was lay on the couch, watch movies or tv and get the day over with. That fog is lifting, thank goodness, and I'm finding my mojo.

A few days ago I started to take down our Christmas stuff. The idea was just the tree, since it was totally dying, but everything else I'd leave up. Well I did the tree, took stock, realized I wasn't near tired enough to stop and plus there were needles everywhere - better keep going. Got Sam to take down the rubber maids and packed it all up, then cleaned the house! At about 4 I realized what I'd just done. I'd spent a whole day doing stuff, not laying on the couch, not my usual 2011 method of cleaning (vacuum one room, then lay down!), but how I used to be. I was excited to see the final result of a clean house (I know what your thinking - this excited about cleaning? But a clean house brings me as close to bliss as a good piece of chocolate).

At the end of that day I jokingly said to Sam, "I'm back!" And I really felt that. And I think my family feels that too which makes me super happy. So it may be obvious but today I feel optimistic. And that is exactly how I want to start this new book.


  1. Psalm 9:7-10,18
    The LORD reigns forever;
    he has established his throne for judgment.
    He rules the world in righteousness
    and judges the peoples with equity.
    The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    Those who know your name trust in you,
    for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who
    seek you.
    But God will never forget the needy;
    the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

    I love that God says our HOPE will never perish. May your hope continue to grow, flourish and bless others in 2012 as it has in 2011. Hugs to all!

  2. I love this. Starting the year out with dreams, ideas, and hope. That sounds perfect to me.

  3. [huge smile]
    Celebrating that "You're back!" and looking forward to seeing your hopes and dreams and creativity flow and come to fruition in 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  4. Heidi - I hope you don't mind me "checking in" to your blog once in a while. I know we don't really KNOW each other, but we have "connections". Sam would know who we are for sure - my husband (Dave) and I are serving in T.k.y right now. Anyway, just wanted to say thanx for your honesty and "real-ness". We walked through breast cancer with my mom quite a few years back now, and so I can relate to much of what you share. SO happy that you are feeling your energy returning.

  5. I can so relate to what you wrote about getting energy back!

    It is the little things like cleaning the house, running errands, and even just getting outside that mean so much after dealing with chemo.

    I am so happy for you that you are feeling so good! Happy New Year to you and God Bless.

  6. Laura - Love those versus - we have a big God.

  7. Elissa - Nice and vague with lots of room for movement - good thing too since my dreams are always morphing into something else!

  8. Kristin - me too - I love having this energy back. Now if I could get our kids to sleep through the night I'd feel like a million bucks.

  9. Mel, I totally don't mind you checking this blog - that's what it's there for. I love that this blog has brought lots on new people into my life!

  10. Lena, Thank you. I keep up with you on your blog as well. I don't think I realized how low my energy levels were from chemo until they started coming back. It does quite the number on a body doesn't it?

  11. Heidi, I am SO very thankful that God is restoring you more and more each day. So glad to hear the joy in your voice and the spring in your step! Luv you! xoxo

  12. Happy New Year to you, Heidi! It is going to be a great year full of health and happiness, I can just feel it!
