Friday, August 5, 2011

And time moves on

I can hardly believe I'm half way through chemo. I finished my fourth treatment on the 21st of July and after a week of feeling bleck I am finally feeling well. AND I have another week before the second round. I feel like I'm on a vacation from chemo - a very good feeling and one I'm trying not to mar with thoughts of what the next round will be like.

Treatment 3 was a low point for me. I was discouraged, fearful, anxious and felt as if it would never end (hence the lack of any blog posting after that). Fear is such an irrational thing. Suddenly I couldn't lay down without thinking of what could go wrong. Every heartbeat was analyzed, every pain, every nauseous moment revisited. And yet through it all my rational mind was saying - don't worry, think of something else, trust in Jesus.

And that's the crux of it isn't it? Trusting in Jesus is easy when your mind is clear and fear is held easily at bay. I had to get back to the basics. Remembering why it was I didn't fear the word cancer way back in March when it was new to me. Because I knew that Jesus was my doctor. That he had my back. I had to remember that he still is the one in charge of my treatment. He alone decides whether the chemo works or doesn't. He protects my heart and body from extra damage.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Ps 20: 7.

Psalm 20 has been my staple these past few weeks. I will trust in Jesus, not in chemo or surgery or any other treatment that will come my way in the next months. And I will enjoy this gift of reprieve and the completion of what should have been the "worst of it" (according to my Oncologist who is lovely but very optimistic :-).


  1. Yay for optimistic oncologist! :-)
    I celebrate 'the worst is behind you' with you and Sam and the kids!!!

  2. heidi, thanks for your openness as you walk through this journey. I am glad to hear that you are nearing the end of your chemo treatments. If you would give me your email address I would love to send you a list of fear and trust verses that my dad wrote up and gave me a long time ago when I struggled with fear and anxiety. I have always found these verses a great reminder but also helped me re-focus. If you would like to have them I would love to give them to you. Just give me your email address and they are yours.

  3. I am trusting fully with you that the Lord has you wrapped in HIs arms, His plans and His continual care. Our thoughts have a way of carrying us away at times from the reality that God has everything in our lives fully covered. I'm so thankful that you are well beyond that half way mark and that you are feeling better. Thank you for being so open and transparent in sharing your journey. Your beautiful heart and your strong determination are reaching out to many....the Lord uses all circumstances for good.

  4. heidi, just wanted to let you know we are still thinking of you and your family and keeping you in our prayers. Jordan misses Zach and can't wait to see him at school!
